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HomeHealthy FoodFrozen Espresso Martini – A Couple Cooks

Frozen Espresso Martini – A Couple Cooks

Do that refreshing twist on a traditional cocktail: the frozen espresso martini! This simple recipe blends 4 components right into a creamy, frosty puree with wealthy espresso undertones. It’s a espresso cocktail that hits the spot in any season!

Frozen Espresso Martini in stemmed glass.

Right here’s your signature summer season cocktail: the frozen espresso martini! The traditional espresso martini has vaulted into some of the well-liked cocktails in America. So why not strive a frozen spin on the traditional?

We created our personal spin on this recipe and it’s extraordinarily easy to make! Many recipes name for making espresso and freezing it into ice cubes, however who has time for that? You can also make our model in simply 5 minutes in a blender. The creamy, frosty taste with wealthy espresso undertones is completely divine. We will’t wait so that you can strive it!

Elements in a frozen espresso martini

As cocktail consultants with over 300 cocktail recipes in our library, this one has a particular place in our hearts! It took place as a cheerful accident. Questioning if we might merely use bottled chilly brew espresso in a frozen model of the traditional Espresso Martini, we whipped out our blender. Seems, it really works completely—that means you’ll be able to have the frozen model of this cocktail prepared in simply 5 minutes. Listed here are the components you’ll want:

  • Vodka: The graceful, impartial spirit gives a base for the cocktail, permitting the opposite flavors to shine.
  • Kahlúa: This espresso liqueur provides sweetness and a touch of rum complexity to the combo.
  • Chilly brew espresso (or robust espresso): The robust, concentrated espresso brings the daring, caffeinated essence of espresso to the martini with out the necessity to make espresso. You can too make espresso utilizing your favourite technique: make it double power and chill it earlier than mixing.
  • Sugar: Sugar balances the bitterness of the espresso and enhances the general taste. If desired, you’ll be able to substitute with easy syrup, maple syrup, or agave syrup, utilizing ¾ of the sugar specified within the recipe.
  • Ice: Crushed or cubed ice chills the cocktail and creates a frosty, refreshing texture.

Easy methods to make a frozen espresso martini: step-by-step

When you’ve gathered your components, the frozen espresso martini is fast and easy to mix. Listed here are the essential steps (or scroll down for the recipe):

Frozen espresso Martini ingredients

Step 1: Collect the components: 1 cup chilly brew espresso, ¼ cup Kahlua, ¼ cup vodka, 3 tablespoons sugar, and three cups ice.

How to make a frozen espresso martini Step 2

Step 2: Mix the components in a blender.

Frozen Espresso Martini Step 3: Garnish.

Step 3: Pour into glasses and garnish with 3 espresso beans.

What’s an espresso martini?

The Espresso Martini is a vodka martini made with espresso that was invented in 1983. London bartender Dick Bradsell of the Soho Brasserie created the drink for a patron who requested for a drink to wake her up.

Apparently the espresso machine was proper subsequent to the drink station, and the Espresso Martini was born. The identify got here within the 1990’s when flavored martinis had been all the fad.

Espresso strategies

We like shopping for bought chilly brew espresso focus for a frozen espresso martini as a result of it’s so easy! You can too make home made chilly brew espresso, which could be very simple and a less expensive technique. If in case you have a French press, strive French press chilly brew.

Or, make robust espresso utilizing a darkish roast bean: French press or pour over work properly. One other nice choice is Moka Pot espresso (espresso made with a Bialetti), since its taste is someplace between espresso and espresso. Cool the espresso earlier than mixing.

Extra about Kahlua

Kahlua is a espresso liqueur that’s made in Mexico. It’s made with rum, sugar and low. It does have some caffeine, however solely about 25% as a lot as the identical quantity of espresso. The usual Kahlua is dairy-free, vegan and plant-based: it comprises solely rum, sugar and low.

You can too use different sorts of espresso liqueur in a frozen espresso martini, like Tia Maria or Sheridan’s. Dissipate leftovers to make Kahlua drinks just like the White RussianBlack Russian or Mudslide.

A couple of extra espresso cocktails

When you love a very good frozen espresso martini, listed below are a number of extra espresso cocktails may take pleasure in:

Ceaselessly requested questions

How does a frozen espresso martini differ from a daily one?

The principle distinction is texture. A frozen espresso martini is mixed with ice, making a slushy, refreshing drink, just like a frozen margarita. The flavour profile is just like the traditional cocktail.

Can I alter the sweetness stage?

Completely! When you want a sweeter drink, add a bit extra sugar. For a much less candy model, cut back the quantity. We don’t counsel omitting it.

What sort of garnish ought to I exploit?

Espresso beans are the traditional alternative, however you can even use a sprinkle of cocoa powder or perhaps a dollop of whipped cream.

Can I make a big batch forward of time?

It’s finest to mix proper earlier than serving to have the proper slushy texture. If desired, you’ll be able to combine up the liquids and refrigerate, then mix with ice proper earlier than serving. You can too mix and freeze for as much as 1 hour, then stir with a fork earlier than serving. 


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Do that refreshing twist on a traditional cocktail: the frozen espresso martini! This simple recipe blends 4 components right into a creamy, frosty puree with wealthy espresso undertones. It’s the drink of the summer season!

  • 1 cup chilly brew (or robust espresso, cooled*)
  • ¼ cup vodka
  • ¼ cup Kahlua or different espresso liqueur (like Tia Maria)
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar**
  • 3 cups ice cubes
  • Espresso beans, for garnish

  1. Place all components within the blender and mix till mixed.
  2. Pour into glasses and garnish with espresso beans. 


*We used bought bottled vanilla chilly brew. You can too use home made chilly brew espresso, or make double-strength espresso utilizing your favourite technique.

**If desired, you can even use 2 ½ tablespoons easy syrup, maple syrup, or agave syrup as a pure sweetener.

Make forward notes: It’s finest to mix proper earlier than serving to have the proper slushy texture. If desired, you’ll be able to combine up the liquids and refrigerate, then mix with ice proper earlier than serving. You can too mix and freeze for as much as 1 hour, then stir with a fork earlier than serving. 

  • Class: Drink
  • Methodology: Frozen
  • Delicacies: Cocktails
  • Weight loss program: Vegan


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